
Undersea Cable Cuts: NCC Explains Data, Voice Services Disruption Along African West Coast

By update Mar 16, 2024 #Cover
Undersea cableUndersea cable

Undersea cable
Undersea cable

The Nigerian Communications Commission NCC has explained that a combination of cable cuts, resulting to equipment faults on the major undersea cables along the West African Coast, is responsible for the disruptions in data and fixed telecom services in several
countries of West Africa, including Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal and Cote
de Ivoire, among others.
The cuts occurred somewhere in Cote de’Ivoire and Senegal, with
an attendant disruption in Portugal.
Cable companies – West- African Cable System (WACS) and African Coast to Europe (ACE) in the West Coast route from Europe have experienced faults while SAT3 and MainOne have

Similar undersea cables providing traffic from Europe to the East
Coast of Africa, like Seacom, Europe India Gateway (EIG), AsiaAfrica-Europe 1 (AAE1), are said to have been cut at some point
around the Red Sea, resulting in degradation of services across on
these routes.
In Nigeria and other West African countries, Internet access and
speed have experienced disruptions in the networks of service
providers in the affected countries.
Operators of these cables have commenced repairs already, and service are gradually been restored .

They have promised to work round the clock to ensure that
services are restored to the affected countries within the shortest
possible time.
Meanwhile, the NCC notes that it is important to bring this information to the knowledge of corporate and individual consumers on these services.

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